
Better recycling of plastic packaging: New process extracts fragrances

Image: Numerous, predominantly white, plastic packages for household chemicals and detergents; Copyright: evgrafovasa

Copyright: evgrafovasa


Image: Four HDPE packages for cleaning agents side by side against a white background; Copyright: Fraunhofer LBF

Common HDPE packaging for cleaning agents. Source: Fraunhofer LBF

Material analysis with machine learning methods optimizes extraction process

Image: Principle of the multivariate analysis of a set of FTIR spectra. Left: Percentage of the components of each spectrum; Copyright: Fraunhofer LBF

Principle of the multivariate analysis of a set of FTIR spectra. The color scale corresponds both to the intensity and the percentage of HDPE and the extractables (odorants, impurities). Source: Fraunhofer LBF

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